Liberia Career Pathways provides holistic programming to support the development of youth and the nation.
Exposing students to career opportunities and supporting them to pursue a career path
Utilizes curriculum developed in partnership with U.S. 4-H clubs
Approximately 50 students per club in 10th – 12th grade
Positive qualitative feedback from club members and coordinators
Annual National Essay Contest allows Liberian students to reflect on issues affecting families, communities and the nation broadly
Annual Career Day events (1-2 days each) are offered regionally
Highlight career areas needed for Liberia’s growth
Guide students in making career choices
Features professionals in various disciplines
Serves as Career Club hub + resource center in Monrovia
Education Programming:
Housing a comprehensive library with partner WE-CARE
Providing students with online coursework in areas of career interest
Supporting students on national college entrance exams
Career Awareness & Exploration:
Career Talks: Featuring various employers to discuss education pathways and employment opportunities, in-person and virtual
Utilizing web-based tools that enable students to identify their strengths and areas of career interests
Collaboration & Connections:
Providing space for Career Club students for group projects, special events, etc.
Connecting Liberian students to U.S. students to gain international perspectives
College & Career Resources:
Centralizing information regarding scholarships, postsecondary, Liberian labor market
Training for school counselors on providing career guidance to students
Supporting students to develop college and career plans, create resumes, and apply for internships and full-time employment
Inviting universities and employers to interview students
Working with public health students to provide educate primary and secondary students and provide community health screenings
Hosting ongoing community health education and disease prevention in our communities
Conducting health screenings to students and community members
Working with partners such as Liberia’s Ministry of Health and the Healthcare Federation of Liberia, LCP does Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) training to healthcare workers and health centers
Efforts led by LCP staff and volunteers
Identifying occupations critical for Liberia
Organizing partners/resources to create new pathways
Engaging in significant planning to support the launch of a new Biomedical Engineering Technician (BMET) training program with partner high schools.
Identifying occupations critical for Liberia
Rotary International
WE-CARE Foundation
Booker Washington Institute
4-H Liberia
Methodist Church
Liberian government, private sector, and international aid organizations